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Presbyterian Home for Children

The Presbyterian Home for Children in Talladega, Alabama serves children, families, and young adults who seek healing and hope for their troubled lives.  From adopting cottages, to sending Christmas cheer, to putting in some good old-fashioned sweat equity, First Presbyterian Church has had a long-standing relationship in supporting the ministries of the Presbyterian Home for Children

Faith and Fellowship

Families like to eat when they get together, and our church family is no exception!  Our Faith and Fellowship group meets every Tuesday at the church at 11:30 a.m. to share our lives and our faith with each other. Bring a bag lunch and join us.

Family Night Suppers

On the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. we gather for a potluck meal. We promise this will be the best meal you can get in Cullman County!

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